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St Patricks Day Leprechaun Craft 1- Dosbarth Oren

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For this activity you will need the following resources:
Paper Plate
Orange paint
Black felt tip pen
Green card or paper
Black card or paper
Yellow card or paper

St Patricks Day Leprechaun Craft 2- Dosbarth Oren

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For this activity you will need the following resources:
White Card of paper
Orange paint
Black felt tip or paint
Green felt tip or paint
Yellow felt tip or paint

Mother's Day Heart Craft

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Mothers Day card craft- Dosbarth Oren

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For the mothers day card activity you will need the following resources:


White card or paper

Brown card of paper

Green card or paper

Purple and pink paint (or any colours of your choice)

Black felt tip pen



Gem stickers (optional)

Welsh Flag Craft - St. David's Day - Dosbarth Gwyn

For the Welsh flag craft, you will need:

  • A black pen
  • White paper
  • A paint brush
  • Red paint
  • Green paint

Higher resolution, printable instructions can be found in the document below:

Daffodil Craft- St Davids Day- Dosbarth Oren

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For the daffodil craft you will need the following resources:
White card or paper x2
Green card or paper
Yellow paint
Orange paint
Egg box

Spring Flower Craft with Tess

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Unicorn craft- Fairy tale week- Dosbarth Oren

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For the unicorn activity you will need:
Paper plate
Yellow card or paper
White card or paper
Pink card or paper
Black felt tip pen

Valentine Heart Shaped Flowers by Rachy

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Art Rainbow Cloud by Rachy

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Foil Mono-printing

  • Get a piece of tin foil and smooth it out.
  • Then apply paint to the surface; this can be done randomly in an abstract way, or in a more controlled way, painting a shape or a simple object.
  • You can also mark make into the paint using a cotton bud, pencil, stick or any mark making tool.
  • Then lay a piece of paper over the tin foil and smooth down with your hands.
  • Carefully lift the tin foil up and admire the result!
  • The image shows a tree made using a cotton bud into tin foil.

Foil Impressions

  • Make beautiful impressions and rubbings by simply finding a variety of items with an interesting texture to lay under the foil and gently smooth the foil onto the objects.
  • The images show a tree made from cocktail sticks and rubber bands, and a twig from the garden.

Coloured Lasagne Sheet Mosaics and Stain Glass Windows

You will need:

  • Lasagne Sheets
  • Vinegar 
  • Gloves
  • Bowl
  • Food Colouring
  • Tray or kitchen roll for laying out pieces. 

This method can be used for any shape pasta or spaghetti. The colours dry beautifully uneven giving a painterly texture to the surface. 


  • Break up the sheets into irregular size and shaped pieces (bring in some numeracy skills by counting the pieces and looking at the different shapes and comparing sizes).
  • Put the pieces into a bowl and pour a small amount of vinegar over the pasta, let it coat the pasta and then pour off the excess.
  • Then add the food colouring to the wet pasta and stir (or rub in while wearing gloves to prevent fingers becoming multi coloured!)
  • Wash the bowl out after each colour to stop the colours becoming mixed unless that’s the effect you’re after!
  • Lay out the pieces of pasta onto trays or kitchen towel and leave to dry.
  • If you have some clear sticky back plastic (the sort you use for covering school books) you can use this for the pasta stain glass windows. Cut out two pieces the same size. Lift the backing off one of the pieces and lay down, sticky side up. The pieces of coloured, dry pasta can then be laid onto the sticky surface either randomly or in a pattern. Leave a gap in between the pieces. Then using the other sheet of sticky paper, peel off the backing and lay sticky side down onto the other piece and gently press in between the gaps to secure the pieces of pasta. You can then use black felt pens/markers to colour in between the gaps to create the lead effect. Stick on the window. 
  • If you haven’t got any sticky back plastic you can create a mosaic by sticking the pasta pieces onto a sheet of card or paper with Pritt Stick. Colour in the gaps with pens or pencils. 

Taste safe paint

Ingredients 1/4 cup of salt 1/2 cup of water 1/2 cup of flour Food colouring

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Splatter Painting

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Chocolate Mud Animal Painting

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Art Ideas