Health and Wellbeing
#HelloYellow 2021 Video
Every young person whose mental health ends up in crisis is a young person who has been failed. We know that the earlier young people can access the right help, the more likely it is that they can avoid these crises.
The charity, Young Minds, provides young people with the tools they need to look after their mental health, they empower adults to be the best support they can be to the young people in their lives, and they give young people the space and confidence to get their voices heard and change the world we live in.
Each year Young Minds aims to promote the importance of young peoples' mental health by running #HelloYellow on World Mental Health Day. #HelloYellow is a positive and fun way for children and young people to share the message that it’s okay to reach out for help. By wearing yellow trousers, a yellow wig or painting their nails yellow, children and teachers alike can show their support, and raise money at the same time.
This year at Tŷ Gwyn Special School, we're promoting young peoples' mental health by holding a Mental Health Awareness Week (week commencing 04.10.21). Below you'll find a range of activities that your learners can get involved with each day.
We hope that everyone enjoys taking part, and that you'll show your support by wearing yellow on Friday the 8th of October.
The Health & Well-being Team
We will be taking the opportunity to try and raise a little bit of money for Young Minds alongside our activities.
There will be a bucket at reception for any cash donations that we will pay to Young Minds the following week, but if you would prefer to support online, the link to our fundraising page is below!