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School Session Times

School Session Times

The governing body of Ty Gwyn Special School is responsible for the setting school term dates and session times, in accordance with Welsh Government guidance as set out in ‘The Education (School Day and School Year) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2008’.

The School Year

The school year is divided into three terms, the dates of which are set by Cardiff Local Authority. These dates can be found on Cardiff Council website and the school website. The school will meet for 380 sessions which equals 190 days. In addition, the school staff meet for an additional 5 days (Teacher Training or INSET Days), which are set aside for training and development.

The School Day - 9:15 to 15:15

The school day provides sufficient lesson time to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum appropriate to pupils needs. At Ty Gwyn Special School we want to maximise learning opportunities for all of our children and our session times are as follows:

Ty Gwyn school starts at 9:15 and all pupils have a transition plan based on their individual needs. Break/lunch times vary across the school depending on the class, pupils need and their timetable/ use of facilities. Typically, morning breaks are around 10:30 to 11:00 and lunches are between 11:45 and 13:30 and Ty Gwyn finishes at 15:15. The morning sessions are slightly longer than the afternoon sessions.