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Ty Gwyn Special School

"Learning To Achieve"



Welcome to

Dosbarth Ely's Class Page.




Meet the team!

Teacher  - SallyAnn  Senior TA - Anita  TA's - Dannielle  and  Lucy.


We will be updating every Half Term with all our exciting activities and Learning Opportunities.

Click on the icons to see some examples of our learning and please enjoy the best of our photos showcasing our excellent work and fun times in our Gallery

Focus Summer 2 2023 

Focus Summer 1 2023 

Focus Spring 2 2023 

Focus Spring 1 2023 



Welcome back, we hope you all enjoyed your

Christmas and New Year break,

Our theme this half term is

“Looking after the Environment”


We will be exploring and using the 4 purposes of learning to enable pupils to become :

Ambitious, capable learners,

Enterprising, creative contributors,

Ethical, informed citizens 

Healthy, confident individuals


The pupils will be continuing to work towards their own individual IEP’s and learning targets under the heading “Looking After the Environment” and the ASDAN PPQ / transitional challenge “Growing and caring for plants” module.


 This half term we will be focusing on :



· Chinese New Year

· Exploring different habitats e.g. Antarctic, deserts, rainforests and Coral Reefs.

· Learning about How to look after the environment by reducing waste.

· Sensology activities themed around plants and flowers.

· Sensory mark making.

· Sensory story “The Tiny Seed”,


Looking forward to a busy new half term,


Ely Class Team


Sallyann, Anita, Danielle and Lucy


Focus Autumn 2 2022 

Welcome back, we hope you all enjoyed your Half Term break,

Our theme this half term is

“Seasonal Activities”


We will be exploring and using the 4 purposes of learning to enable pupils to become :

Ambitious, capable learners,

Enterprising, creative contributors,

Ethical, informed citizens 

Healthy, confident individuals


The pupils will be continuing to work towards their own individual IEP’s and learning targets under the heading “Taking the Lead” and the ASDAN PPQ / transitional challenge “Getting on with things” module.


 This half term we will be focusing on :



· Remembrance Day and making Poppies

· Learning about American Thanksgiving and the traditions

· Learning about Christmas and how it is celebrated.

· Experiencing Children in need charity day activities.

· Learning about the Jewish festival-Hanukah .

· Participating in our Christmas concert.


Looking forward to a busy happy Christmas Half term,


Ely Class Team


Sallyann, Anita, Danielle and Lucy




Focus Autumn 1 2022 


Our theme this half term is

“My Community and me”


We will be exploring and using the 4 purposes of learning to enable pupils to become :

Ambitious, capable learners,

Enterprising, creative contributors,

Ethical, informed citizens 

Healthy, confident individuals


 The pupils will be working towards their own individual IEP’s and learning targets under the heading “Taking the Lead” and the ASDAN PPQ / transitional challenge  “Getting on with things” module.


 This half term we will be focusing on :



· All about me– exploring our faces, hair and eye colours using sensory textures.

· Learning about the artist Matisse and how to make pictures by using cutting paper skills.

· Learning that we are all different, where we live, what we look like, things we like/ dislike.

· Experiencing European Languages Day and focused activities

· Learning about famous Black people for our Black History week.

· Our Community and local places that we visit.

· Celebrating Diwali.




We hope you have enjoyed looking at our webpage. Enjoy the Summer Holiday and we'll see you in September!

Queen Elizabeth ll

This term we having been learning and celebrating the Queens Jubilee

Information about Queen Elizabeth ll

Happy New Year.

Welcome back to school.

We hope that you have all had a lovely Christmas and New Year.

Below is a summary of what we'll be learning about this half term.

Nadolig Llawen  Dosbarth Ely.


We hope you have a lovely time with your family over Christmas and are able to enjoy your fantastic Christmas concert  and all the Christmas crafts that you have worked so hard in making.

We are so proud of you all this term.  Well done. 


We will see you all in the New Year for some more fun learning. 

Keep safe.


Sallyann, Gareth, Danelle, Mark, Helen and Bev. 



November 2021


Welcome back to Autumn 2 term. This half term we will be exploring Seasonal Activities such as Diwali, Bonfire night, Remembrance Day and Hanukkah  We hope you have fun. Below are some activities to help with home learning. 


Sallyann, Gareth, Danelle, Mark, Helen and Bev

It's a new school year and a new teaching team in Dosbarth Ely.


Our team is :

Sallyann (class teacher)

Gareth ( Senior TA)

Danielle ( TA)

Mark (TA)

Helen (PT TA)

Bev ( PT TA).


We are looking forward to having a fun happy learning environment this year with exciting opportunities

Below is some information about what we will be learning this term.

Have a look at the amazing work we have done.
