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Ty Gwyn Special School

"Learning To Achieve"


There will be some  simple vocabulary videos with Pippa uploaded regularly, for your child to engage. There will be a downloadable resource that goes with each video for you to have fun with.


Stop and start the video at anytime to review the resource with your child. 


For video 1- LLiwiau- Colours

In advance you could get crayons for red, yellow, orange, blue and green or objects in these colours for your child to identify and explore. 

In advance you could make  playdough with these colours as the basis. 

If you  have a  light board/ box place these objects on that for your child to explore. 

At the end of the video Pippa asks your child to find this colour, all you need to go is  put these  objects out in front of your child and have the resource ready.  

Here are some keep fit  videos that use the Welsh language with Mr FFit. Mr FFit is a learner himself so Welsh is kept  basic  to help develop understanding. 

Mr Ffit Pum Munud i Symud

Mr Ffit dw i. Croeso I Ffatri Ffit a pum munud i symud. Dw i'n dysgwr a dw i'n yma i helpu chi cadw'n heini a chadwch actif. My name is Mr Ffit. Welcome to t...

MrFfit Pum Munud i Symud - Rhifau

Cadw'n heini a ddysgu Cymraeg gyda Mr Ffit. Keep fit and learn Welsh with Mr Ffit.
