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Ty Gwyn Special School

"Learning To Achieve"

Through the Garden Gate topic activities

Superworm story related ideas:


Use some playdough to make your own 'Superworm', can you roll the playdough with your hands? Can you make a long worm and a short worm?


Can you make a worm by wrapping wool, string, ribbon etc around a paper template?



We're Going on a Bear Hunt related activities:


Can you help a grown up to make a teddy bear face on some toast? Experiment with different foods to make eyes, nose, ears etc. Can you point to these parts of your face?

Below is an example of some teddy toast:


Can you make your own 'We're going on a Bear Hunt' small world? You could use small play people and have them go through water, mud, grass, snow (shaving foam) etc.

Below is an example:


Spider Spinning Its Web - Close-Up

Watch this spider spinning his web

Can you make your own spider? Here are some examples.


Can you find these outside at the moment?

Birds feeding and singing in the garden- How many birds do you see?

Still image for this video
A video showing birds feeding and singing in my friends garden. How many birds can you see?
Here are some topic ideas related to the story of 'The Hungry Caterpillar' that you might enjoy doing at home.

The Hungry Caterpillar story ideas
