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Ty Gwyn Special School

"Learning To Achieve"


Target 1


 Writing –select their own name from a choice of 2 name cards and match it to an item that’s theirs


Home learning idea:

Display Thomas' name along with the names of his siblings, each sibling needs an item related to them (toy/ clothing etc). Display items separate to names. Get Thomas to identify his name and match it to his item. To extend activity get Thomas to identify his peers names and match them to their items. 

Target 2

LNF Reading – C Steps

Follow simple 2 step instructions ‘written’ in pictures or symbols


Home Learning Idea:



-Use the PDFs below containing instructions written in symbols


Target 3


LNF Writing- B Steps

Use their preferred hand while mark making, sometimes using an adapted instrument


Home Learning Idea: 


-Stamps- Use things such as potatoes to make stamps of different shapes and sizes. Let T explore. 

-Dish Sponges- Cut them up into different shapes

-A range of brushes: toothbrushes, dish brush, loofas etc

-Cotton buds- ties together to make a dotter

-kitchen tools- masher, spatulas, forks


Dip them all in the paint and make your own marks on paper. 
