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Ty Gwyn Special School

"Learning To Achieve"


This half term our topic was 'Wales is Magical'

Before the closure of school we had enjoyed making craft daffodils, baking Welsh cheesecake  cakes,painting our glittery friendly Dragon - who was popping out of a Top Hat on our display board and listening to our favourite Welsh singers.

See below some ideas of simple activities you may like to use during the coming weeks.

Also some YouTube videos with a Welsh theme to play and enjoy.

We also enjoyed our annual visit from Martyn Geraint who entertains us with his songs and dances and jokes!

We have his No1 fan in Dosbarth Usk! Please excuse the following unseasonal video but Missy M loved it!

Ble mae'r babi?

Lliwiau'r Enfys

Bore Da Ffrindiau

Caru Canu | Oes Gafr Eto? (Welsh Children's Song)


Caru Canu | Clap Clap (Welsh Children's Song)

Cân hwyliog yn cyflwyno ystumiau amrywiol. A fun Welsh children's song introducing various gestures.

Caru Canu | 5 Crocodeil (Welsh Children's Song)

Cân sy'n ymarfer cyfri i bump. A song to practice counting to five.
