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Ty Gwyn Special School

"Learning To Achieve"

Pili Pala

Welcome to Pili-Pala 

2024 - Summer Term 1


Pili Pala will be very busy. during this term. We will be exploring and learning about how things move. Whether its our bodies and learning through science or objects that move fast or slow such as animals or vehicles. We will be using our senses to feel, smell or hear. We will be listening to interactive stories and producing some wonderful art. During this term we will also be covering some very important dates such as Eid, Science Day, Earth Day, Eurovision, Mental Health Awareness and Outdoor learning Dat. Its going to be a very fun and exciting term!




Have a look at these fun activities to learn at home with your child..

Pili Pala Class Team




Georgie Bradbury    (Mon-Wed)           



Teaching Assistants


Megan English      (Mon-Fri)     Jan Rowlands (Senior TA (Mon-Fri)





2024 - Summer Term 1

Online learning activities
