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Ty Gwyn Special School

"Learning To Achieve"

Snow fun



We practiced really hard during the Autumn Term to follow actions to familiar songs. As we have had a change in our weather this weekend, why not try and encourage your child to join in with the actions to this winter song this week.

To begin you may have to help your child by moving their hands and body parts along with the song or you could show them what to do and encourage them to then copy you.



It could also be fun to try on the warm winter clothes that they use in the song.

If you have any of these items at home, these could be things to consider. Can they put the item on by themselves?  Do they like to feel the different textures of the items? Do they have a favourite winter clothing item? 

Going outdoors on a daily basis is so important to our pupils in Enfys. It is really good for the children's health and well-being. Hopefully we will have some more snow this week to play in so remember to wrap up nice and warm! 


Winter Mittens Song

Can you join in with the actions?

Little Snowflake

A favourite winter song played in Dosbarth Enfys!

Lets get creative


Tearing paper is a really fun activity the pupils in Enfys could try at home this week.  It’s a simple fine motor activity that requires only scrap paper and your hands. Tearing paper is a pre-scissors skill and helps children develop many essential skills such as hand strength, hand eye coordination and refined movements.

After your child has enjoyed having some fun ripping some paper, you could then encourage them to stick some ripped pieces onto something or a snowflake stencil. Using glue to stick the ripped pieces down will help your child to understand the concept of stickiness. 

If you feel your child may be ready for more, you could also try using some children's cutting scissors to make some paper snowflakes this week. To begin with put the scissors in a thumbs up position and encourage your child to make one snip at at time. You may have to use hand over hand support to begin with to learn how to open and close the scissors.

If you want to further develop this skill and have playdough at home including the playdough scissors, this is a really good material to cut and practice using the open and closing movements of scissors.

Making Snowflakes at home


***If your child is enjoying using the I-pad/laptop/tablet etc at home, please have a look in the folder named 'Interactive games' to try playing the Snowman game this week***.
