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Ty Gwyn Special School

"Learning To Achieve"

Update from Executive Headteacher

Dear Parent / Carer

After a very turbulent and confusing week, I write further to update you on our plans for communication and setting work during this very unusual period of time. As reassurance, we are working closely with the Local Authority and Welsh Government and monitoring the changing situation regularly. The school and everyone in it will always do our bit for the greater good but our pupils, our families and our staff remain our priority. Please communicate with us in the best way possible to ensure we continue to support each other during this time.

Until we are told otherwise, all staff are continuing to work unless they are unwell. We have good systems for communicating with all school stakeholders, we are currently adapting and all getting used to a different way of working. We will have teething problems, and new technology will emerge all the time which will make things easier. I hope you are finding the platforms and websites with activities beneficial.

A summary of our communication strategy to help you communicate are;

1. General whole school checking in procedures – we are aiming to make telephone contact with all families on at least a weekly basis. These phone calls will give you an opportunity to discuss ideas and concerns.

2. General Whole School Electronic Communication – it is vital that you have access to a couple of important ways in which we electronically communicate. These are:

○ Parentmail – we send a lot of communication via text and email through parentmail.

○ Twitter – We communicate short, snappy messages and good news stories through our Twitter feed. You will need to start an account and ask to join our feed. We need to verify that these requests are linked to our school. Please post pictures etc of the great work you are doing using the following:

Western Learning Federation - @CardiffWestern

Riverbank – @Riverbanksch

Ty Gwyn – @GwynSchool

Woodlands - @WoodlandsHS

○ Website – We will be putting formal communications on the Federation and each school website:

Western Learning Federation -

Riverbank –

Ty Gwyn –

Woodlands –


2. Teaching and Learning - All teachers are responsible with their class team for setting work, helping you to maintain structure and routine. All class teachers or members of the team will communicate with you throughout this time. Please refer to details outlined in previous correspondence for support.

3. Support and Safeguarding - If you need any support or need to report any safeguarding concerns please use link below:


4. Please also refer to previous correspondence of the support available in each school.


5. The health team will continue to work from the Ty Gwyn site in the interim.


There has been significant discussion over the past few days over the way schools will operate moving forward. We need to remember that the purpose of closing schools is to restrict and minimise social contact and consequently reduce the risk of being infected by the Coronavirus.

Therefore, if it is at all possible, please keep your children at home. However, when arranging childcare, please take into account government and public health advice regarding keeping at risk members of the public safe, including grandparents and any other relatives that are over 70 or have underlying medical conditions.

Cardiff Schools and Childcare providers will provide facilities for parents who are at the forefront of the national effort to fight the Coronavirus disease, to ensure that these vital workers are given every opportunity to be in work and to get on with their efforts to protect our lives and wellbeing.

In accordance with the above, in the first instance, we have identified children whose parents work in either the Health and Social Care sectors (including Homeless Hostels and Outreach), or the Emergency Services.

Should you fall into one of the other Keyworker categories listed by the UK Government, we will also collate your details and will provide further information on school access.

Please contact –

We will review these arrangements very carefully with the Local Authority on a daily basis and will keep you up-to-date of any changes.

We are confident that if this advice is followed, we will all make a significant contribution towards protecting our pupils and our staff.

I would once again reiterate our commitment to you and your family in this unprecedented period of uncertainty. I can assure you we will continue to work tirelessly in their best interests of pupils, families and staff. Essential to this is effective communication and I would therefore urge you all to continue to be patient and understanding.

My very best wishes to you all

W A Murphy

Executive Head Teacher, Western Learning Federation
